Digital Business Management

Digital Business Management

Master of Business Administration Program in Management

Digital Business Management Discipline

Digital Business Management Discipline

The Digital Business Management (DBM) discipline focuses on teaching, skill development, research, and academic services to address the challenges of the digital disruption and meet the workforce needs of the New Normal era. The discipline covers modern management knowledge, such as Accounting Principles for Executives, English for Business Communication, Project Feasibility Analysis, Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility, Market Entry Strategy, Strategy for Sustainable Business Growth, Organizational Process and Human Resource Management, Business Process Management, and Business Research. It also includes areas such as telecommunications management, broadcasting management, modern ICT management, and digital transformation, emphasizing the use of digital tools and innovations in management to drive growth, sustainability, and the pursuit of new business opportunities.

Dr. Alisa Kongthon

Chair of the Digital Business Management Discipline


Program Introduction Video